Mad Dog And Glory (1993)

Mad Dog And Glory (1993)

Release Date : Mar. 05, 1993 | Rating ★★★★★★
Details : Wayne Dobie is a shy cop whose low-key demeanor has earned him the affectionate nickname Mad Dog. After Mad Dog saves the life of Frank Milo a crime boss and aspiring stand-up comedian he's offered the company of an attractive young waitress named Glory for a week. At first both are uneasy about the arrangement but they eventually fall in love. However the situation becomes complicated when Milo demands Glory back.
Duration : 1 Hour 36 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Robert De Niro as Wayne 'Mad Dog' Dobie

Uma Thurman as Glory

Bill Murray as Frank Milo

David Caruso as Mike

Mike Starr as Harold

Richard Belzer as M.C.

Kathy Baker as Lee | Tom Towles as Andrew the Beater | Richard Price as Detective in Restaurant | Derek Anunciation as Shooter | Jack Wallace as Tommy the Bartender | Producer  : Martin Scorsese | Executive Producer  : Richard Price | Producer  : Barbara De Fina | Director  : John McNaughton |